Casablanca Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Casablanca.

Quote #4

SACHA: Boss, you've done a beautiful thing.

This line is in response to Sacha, the bartender, finding out that Rick has rigged the roulette wheel to help out a couple in distress. You get a real sense that any of Rick's employees would take a bullet for this guy. He must be awfully generous with the Christmas bonuses.

Quote #5

RICK: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Rick and Renault have sort of quasi-admired one another via some thinly veiled antagonism for much of the movie, but now that Strasser's out of the picture (Rick doing Renault a favor) and Renault not giving Rick up (Renault doing Rick a favor), the two men are free to express their mutual respect a little more openly. We see many friendly tennis matches in their future.