Catch-22 Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #16

"They're going to send me home!" Yossarian announced jubilantly as he hobbled back into the ward.

"Me too!" A. Fortiori rejoiced. "They just came to my ward and told me."

"What about me?" Dunbar demanded petulantly of the doctors.

"You?" they replied with asperity. "You're going with Yossarian. Right back into combat!" (27.157-160)

Dunbar and Yossarian are mistaken for A. Fortiori, who is being given leave to go home. With Dunbar, this is especially complicated because Fortiori is his alter ego. This mix-up of identities teases Yossarian and Dunbar with the goal they most desire to achieve – getting out of the danger and madness of war.

Quote #17

[…] Dunbar was lying in pajamas in the bed across the aisle maintaining that he was not Dunbar but a fortiori. (26.45)

Dunbar obviously thinks he's another person named A. Fortiori. In Latin, this phrase means "still stronger" or "for a stronger reason." It's ironic because Dunbar uses this alias as a better reason to see Yossarian, when he can't get in as himself.

Quote #18

He [Yossarian] drew solace and sedation from her nearness. He had a craving to touch her always, to remain always in physical communication. (30.28)

Physically touching someone is one way of coping with alienation and loneliness. Only through the human touch does Yossarian feel connected to his fellow man and valued.