Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Veruca Salt Quotes

"'Where's my Golden Ticket! I want my Golden Ticket!'" (6.9)

Who says this? Veruca Salt, of course – the greediest, most spoiled child of them all. Just look at what she says: <em>my </em>Golden Ticket, as if the ticket was destined to go to her, and no other kids have any chance at it.

"But I want an Oompa-Loompa!" screamed Veruca.
"All right, Veruca, all right. But I can't get it for you this second. Please be patient. I'll see you have one before the day is out." (16.14)

Veruca's so greedy, she actually wants to keep real people as pets. Check out how her parents give in to her greediness, too. They promise they'll get her an Oompa-Loompa, never stopping to think that that might not be possible, or even right.