Charlotte's Web Wilbur Quotes


Quote 16

"Joy! Aranea! Nellie!" he began. "Welcome to the barn cellar. You have chosen a hallowed doorway from which to string your webs." (22.62)

The doorway was Charlotte's home within the barn. And now it's home for her daughters. We think it's pretty cool how this doorway gets passed down from generation to generation.

Wilbur > Wilbur

Quote 17

"I could spin a web, if I tried," said Wilbur, boasting. "I've just never tried."

"Let's see you do it," said Charlotte. Fern chuckled softly, and her eyes grew wide with love for the pig.

"O.K.," replied Wilbur. "You coach me and I'll spin one. It must be a lot of fun to spin a web. How do I start?" (9.10-12)

Wilbur sure does have a go-getter attitude. Unfortunately, we already know that Wilbur just won't be able to spin a web. First of all, he's a pig. Secondly, he's a pig. Oh and one more thing, he's a pig. But this doesn't stop Wilbur from giving his first attempt at web-spinning everything he's got. Plus, he's got his friends nearby to help him out.

"I think I'll try again," said Wilbur, cheerfully. "I believe what I need is a little piece of string to hold me." (9.19)

After his first try at spinning a web, Wilbur falls to the ground. No success yet for poor Wilbur. But the little guy is not about to give up after just one go. Check out how Wilbur doesn't seem fazed at all here. He just goes about "cheerfully," ready for take two.