Chicago Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Chicago.

Quote #7

BILLY: You know, you're a remarkable man. […] Your wife two-times you, plugs the guy, then tries to pin it on you. Most men would let a dame like that swing. But, no, you're sticking by her. Makes you a hero in my eyes.

Manipulating Amos is like convincing Jessica Simpson that Chicken of the Sea is chicken, but Billy doesn't only pick easy targets. He knows how to work everyone.

Quote #8

BILLY: Nobody's gonna care a lick what your defense is unless they care about you. First thing we gotta do is work up some sympathy from the press. [...]But here's one thing they can never resist, and that is a reformed sinner.

Continuing from the last quote, we see that Amos was just the warm-up act. Billy's target is the judge, the jury, the press, the public. Basically everyone.