Chomp Chapter 15 Summary

  • During the storm, Wahoo returns to his camp and Tuna asks if she scared him with her story.
  • Wahoo tells her that she did a bit, but he is there for her. It turns out that Link told Tuna he was abused by his dad, too.
  • After working up the nerve, Wahoo asks Tuna all of the things that are on his mind, like if she has family to stay with and if she's called the cops.
  • We can tell she doesn't want to talk about it any more—she answers some questions, but seems a bit uncomfortable.
  • Tuna goes to bed and Mickey wakes up from a bad dream about Alice being poached.
  • Outside by the fire, Wahoo tells his dad that he spoke with Susan and that she told him to take Tuna to the police to file a report.
  • Mickey questions this advice since they don't want something bad to happen to Tuna.
  • Tuna overhears the whole conversation and is a little annoyed that they are talking about her, but then they all hear someone crying out in the distance over and over.
  • Our friend the narrator tells us that the Florida mastiff bat is large and comes out in the middle of the night. It catches bugs and doesn't want blood at all—the bat that Derek's crew found was stunned and blinded by the bright light.
  • Back up: At the Expedition Survival! camp, Derek picks the bat up by its tail and lowers it toward his mouth while talking about how hungry he is and how he can't cook it because the rain made his wood all wet. All of these lies, of course, are being filmed.
  • The frightened bat chomps Derek's tongue and remains clamped on. In a panic, Mickey is called over to help.
  • He finds Derek lying on the ground with the bat resolutely attached.
  • Calmly, Mickey tells Derek to remain still and Derek blinks to show he understands.
  • Then he directs Wahoo to strip a fern stem for him to tickle the bat with. It works, and the bat squirms and lets go.
  • Quickly, Raven tells him to kill it, which of course Mickey thinks is absurd.
  • The crew carries Derek to his tent and everyone goes to sleep except Derek.