City of Bones Chapter 10 Quotes

City of Bones Chapter 10 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

"I thought the Clave was pledged to protect people." (10.83)

Sure, that pledge sounds a lot like a law, designed to get the Shadowhunters to do their duty. But things get grayer when you consider the fact that who falls into the category of "people" is debatable.

Jace Wayland

Quote 5

"Only people with no purpose are unhappy. I've got a purpose." (10.260)

We wonder if Jace is trying to convince himself that he's happy here. After all, his purpose is little more than a supernatural assassin, which sounds like it might be more than stressful and less than fulfilling.

Quote 6

Even in death, the Clave serves the cause. (10.317)

Boy, talk about commitment. We hope they at least offer good health benefits. And a little life insurance to kick over to the loved ones.