Coraline Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You didn't lock it," said Coraline.

Her mother shrugged. "Why should I lock it?" she asked. "It doesn't go anywhere." (1.56-57)

This doesn't really seem like a choice at first – who cares if she locks it or not – but it turns into a pivotal, or important, moment in hindsight.

Quote #2

"I'll read the leaves, if you want," said Miss Spink to Coraline.

"Sorry?" said Coraline.

"The tea leaves, dear, I'll read your future." (2.62-64)

Hearing her fortune turns out to be very important for Coraline; it also informs us that maybe Coraline didn't have a choice in the matter – the danger was coming to find her either way.

Quote #3

Coraline stopped and listened. She knew she was doing something wrong, and she was trying to listen for her mother coming back, but she heard nothing. Then Coraline put her hand on the door-knob and turned it; and, finally, she opened the door. (3.33)

Coraline makes a really important decision when she opens the door and goes through it. Do you think this was a choice? Or would you say that the other mother was gunning for Coraline and she was going to have to face her down at some point anyway?