Coraline Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Coraline didn't think there really was a mouse circus. She thought the old man was probably making it up. (1.12)

Coraline is perpetually bored and dissatisfied with things at the start of the novel. Here she thinks Mr. Bob is just plain old weird. As we know, this changes once she gives him a chance: sometimes we're our own worst enemies when it comes to being dissatisfied.

Quote #2

Coraline had watched all the videos. She was bored with her toys, and she'd read all her books. (1.26)

This section sums up the theme of dissatisfaction perfectly. Coraline is bored and desperately wants something new to do. And that's a recipe for trouble.

Quote #3

Coraline sighed. Then she went to the freezer and got out some microwave chips and a microwave minipizza.

"You know I don't like recipes," she told her father, while her dinner went around and around and the little red numbers on the microwave oven counted down to zero. (1.63-64)

We can just picture Coraline feeling annoyed as she watches her dinner spin around. Is Coraline just being a bratty kid, or does she have reason to be dissatisfied?