Cameron and Christine Thayer (Terrence Howard and Thandie Newton)’s Timeline and Summary

Cameron and Christine Thayer (Terrence Howard and Thandie Newton)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Cameron and Christine are pulled over by Officer Ryan.
  • Ryan thinks Christine is being belligerent, and he subjects her to an illegal and invasive pat-down.
  • Cameron does nothing.
  • Christine gets mad at Cameron for not standing up to the cops.
  • Meanwhile, Cameron deals with racism at his job as a TV director.
  • When Cameron is carjacked, he decides that's a good time to stand up to the cops.
  • Acting as if he were the carjacker, he taunts the police to shoot him.
  • Ryan's partner, Hanson, intervenes and saves Cameron.
  • Elsewhere, Christine is involved in a car accident and is rescued by Ryan.
  • Christine doesn't want Ryan to rescue her, but when her car almost explodes, she has no other choice.
  • Cameron and Christine survive and tell each other "I love you."