The Crystal Cave Book Two, Chapter 9 Summary

  • As Merlin gets closer to the chanting in the forest, he realizes that he's actually close to the sea. He sees a little island in the bay before him.
  • Through the darkness, Merlin can see a hill on the island and another bunch of those creepy standing stones. He also sees something that looks like smoke or fog. Spoiler: it's not.
  • What Merlin's actually seeing is, in fact, people wearing white robes. Merlin can also see that there's a kind of doorway into the hill, and that the people are walking down stairs into it. It's probably a barrow, like this one.
  • Merlin is so fascinated with the whole thing that he just stands there, watching and waiting. He hears another cry—but this time, he's sure it's from the killer.
  • Merlin sees the leader of the pack emerge from the hillside. The dude raises his arms in triumph and cries out again. Merlin notes that the killing was a sacrifice to "the goddess."
  • Merlin watches as the crowd breaks up and starts heading back to the mainland. He hides himself in the woods.
  • Also, Merlin realizes that his excitement was pretty sexual in nature, and he has a mess to deal with. Yikes.
  • But the excitement of the moment is gone. Now, Merlin only waits for the leader of the pack, who is making his way toward him. Guess who it is?