Isolation Quotes in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

Then, when I've got a degree in Maths, or Physics, or Maths and Physics, I will be able to get a job and earn lots of money and I will be able to pay someone who can look after me and cook my meals and wash my clothes, or I will get a lady to marry me and be my wife and she can look after me so I can have company and not be on my own. (71.8)

We might find this last line a little surprising, since Christopher seems to prefer being alone whenever he possibly can. But look – he practically equates hiring a live-in maid with getting a wife! This makes it pretty clear that he really has no interest living with anyone, but knows he's incapable of living alone.

Quote #5

These are some of my Behavioural Problems
A. Not talking to people for a long time [...]
K. Not noticing that people are angry with me. (73.2)

These two things illustrate "isolation" in very different ways. The former suggests a disinterest in other people, while the latter implies a disregard for others.

Quote #6

Sometimes when I want to be on my own I get into the airing cupboard in the bathroom and slide in beside the boiler and pull the door behind me and sit there and think for hours and it makes me feel very calm. (83.2)

Why do you think it's easier for Christopher to think when he's physically isolated?