The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time


by Mark Haddon

Reading Quizzes

Available to teachers only as part of theTeaching The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeTeacher Pass

Teaching The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeTeacher Pass includes:

  • Assignments & Activities
  • Reading Quizzes
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Sample of Reading Quizzes

Chapter 2


1. What chapter number does the book begin with?
2. What time is it at the beginning of Chapter 2?
3. What is lying on someone's front lawn?
4. What is sticking out of the dead dog's side?
5. What does the narrator find when he leans down beside the dog?
6. What is the dog's name?
7. Whom does Wellington belong to?
8. What does the narrator do to the dog at the end of the chapter?
9. What does the narrator wonder at the end of the chapter?


1. It begins with Chapter 2.
2. It's seven minutes after midnight.
3. A dead dog
4. A garden fork is sticking out.
5. It's still warm.
6. Wellington
7. He belongs to the narrator's neighbor, Mrs. Shears.
8. He pets it.
9. He wonders who killed the dog and why they did it.