A Day No Pigs Would Die Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I was glad they came. Some of them were dressed no better than I. And some not even as well, but they came. They came to help us plant Haven Peck into the earth, and that was all that counted. They'd come because they respected him, and honored him. As I looked at all them, standing uneasy in our small parlor, I was happy for Papa. He wasn't rich. But by damn he wasn't poor. He always said he wasn't poor, but I figured he was just having fun with himself. But he was sober. He had a lot, Papa did. (15.31)

We've come full circle. Rob finally sees the truth of Papa's insistence that he wasn't a poor man. And did you notice that there are families in the community who are even poorer than the Pecks? What really matters, though, is that everyone turned out to say goodbye to Papa. That's a rich life if we ever saw one.