Death in the Woods Section 4 Summary

  • Their appetites satisfied, the dogs drag the woman's body into a clearing, ripping off her clothes in the process.
  • Two days later, a rabbit hunter finds the body "frozen stiff" (4.3). He rushes back into town to tell the townsfolk what happened—the narrator and his brother happen to be hanging around when he arrives.
  • A group of dudes (with the narrator and his brother close behind) head into the woods to check out the body. Although the rabbit hunter acts tough, he's clearly scared out of his wits.
  • When the narrator sees the body, he feels a "strange mystical feeling" running through his own (4.14).
  • Oddly, the men describe Mrs. Grimes as a young, beautiful woman. Are we talking about the same Mrs. Grimes here? Before the group leave, the town marshal spreads his coat over her body.