Death in the Woods Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

(I wonder how I know all this. It must have stuck in my mind from small-town tales when I was a boy) (1.13)

We were wondering that same thing, Mr. Narrator. This is the first indication that the story we're being told isn't quite factually true.

Quote #2

The scene in the forest had become for me, without my knowing it, the foundation for the real story I am now trying to tell. (5.10)

Memory is like a time capsule from the past: sometimes the things you pack away the deepest end up being the most interesting when they're unearthed.

Quote #3

The whole thing, the story of the old woman's death, was to me as I grew older like music heard from far off. The notes had to be picked up slowly one at a time. (5.13)

Have you ever experienced anything like this in your own life? Is there any event that didn't make sense at first, but eventually clicked into place once you learned its context? For the narrator, this memory grows into a near-obsession.