Appearances Quotes in Delirium

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I was kidding. You don't exactly seem like terrorists." (5.118)

This is funny on two levels. One: a ditzy teenage girl would actually be the perfect cover for a terrorist. Two: Alex is a sympathizer, what Lena's government views as a terrorist, and yet he doesn't exactly fit the profile either. He's all young and dreamy and seemingly law-abiding and stuff.

Quote #5

For once, [Hana] doesn't look pretty and in control. She looks pale and unhappy, and her expression reminds me of something, but I can't place it right away. (8.49)

Hm, could her unhappiness remind you of what you see when you look in the mirror, Lena? We think so.

Quote #6

I'm struck dumb by the beauty of it [...] a sea of people, writhing and dancing in the light. (9.35)

Beauty is the number one thing that Lena values in a person, so it's no surprise that this is what she instantly picks out about the party. It's all looks, looks, looks for this girl.