Family Quotes in Dune

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Baron suddenly wondered at himself. Why did I do that? Why did I boast to this fool nephew of mine—the nephew I must use and discard? (26.123)

Unlike Duke Leto, the Baron Harkonnen is more than willing to use his family members to accomplish his goals. On the other hand, the Baron's plan also benefits the family as a whole.

Quote #8

The Atreides training—"We care for our own!"—it held like a core of native rock in them, Halleck noted. (28.102)

Compare this with the last quote. We can really see the difference in between the Atreides and Harkonnen views on family. Even the Atreides family's hired soldiers see each other as family and have a "no man left behind" attitude.

Quote #9

"Muad'Dib is wise in the ways of the desert. […] That is a powerful base on which to build your life, Paul-Muad'Dib, who is Usul among us. We welcome you." (33.169)

Paul enters a new family and so receives a new name. Interesting, isn't it? Although we use names to identify ourselves, it is our family who gives our names to us.