Ella Enchanted Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Sir Peter is a witty man and a shrewd trader, but if he had admired our things as you do, we would have been gladder to let him have them." (13.63)

Sometimes, learning to recognize the inherent value in something has nothing to do with money. Art, kindness, and love—these are all things Ella values even when there's not a dollar sign attached to them. Now that's character.

Quote #5

"I shall have to sell our manor, our furniture, the carriage. And I shall have to sell you, in a manner of speaking. You must marry so that we can be rich again." (18.46)

Ella's dad wants to be rich again so badly that he will sell his daughter into what'll likely be a loveless marriage. An economic model that lets you treat your children like property sounds great. Love those feudal societies!

Quote #6

"Are we poor?" Olive asked, her voice rising in panic. "Is our money gone? Will we starve?" (22.21)

Talk about zero to 60. Olive sees being poor as absolutely the worst fate, ever—although, to be fair, starving doesn't sound like much fun at all.