Clementine (Kate Winslet)’s Timeline and Summary

Clementine (Kate Winslet)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Clementine is hanging out at a beach party. She sees some dude by himself, so she goes over, takes a piece of his chicken, and then decides to break into a house with him.
  • Clem doesn't expect to see Joel again, since ran off, but he comes to her work, and she gives him a great speech about how she's not going to save him. It doesn't work.
  • Joel and Clem begin dating, and at first, things are really happy. They hang out on a frozen river and in an autumn wood. But eventually things start going south.
  • Joel and Clem argue about having children. They also argue about communication and about hairy soap.
  • The culmination of these arguments happens when Clem comes home drunk; she's dented Joel's car. The two say hateful things to each other, and then Clem storms out.
  • We don't get to see it, but apparently Clem is fed up with Joel, so she collects all of her Joel-y things and has the Lacuna procedure performed.
  • Clem starts dating Patrick. Patrick is a technician who did the Lacuna procedure and fell in love (or creepy infatuation) with her.
  • The night of Joel's procedure, Clem is very freaked out and confused about what's happening and who she is; it's an effect of losing a large part of her memory for the last two years.
  • Patrick comes over, and at first, when he tells her some stuff he cribbed from Joel, Clem is pleased—but the direct quote Patrick steals from Joel about a river weirds Clem out. Does she still have some remnants of memory?
  • Clem goes home and decides to take a trip to Montauk the following day. There, she meets a memory-less Joel. She talks to him and likes that he is nice.
  • Joel offers Clem a ride home, and she invites him in for a drink.
  • Clem takes Joel out on the frozen Charles River a second time. They really hit it off.
  • On the way to Joel's, Clem sticks her Lacuna tape into his tape player, and Joel thinks all these mean things she's saying about him are some kind of sick joke.
  • But Clem, realizing that this information is real, drives to Joel's place, where she finds him listening to his tape of him saying mean things about her. She doesn't like it and starts to leave.
  • But Joel asks Clem to wait. They decide to try again at a relationship, even though they know it didn't work out the first time.