Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. What do you think will happen after the movie ends? Will Joel and Clem make it work the second time around?
  2. How does Eternal Sunshine portray the cliché that opposites attract?
  3. Do you think Clem or Joel is more responsible for the failure of their relationship? What is the root of the problem? Joel's poor communication? Clem's rashness?
  4. Is Howard a bad dude trying to get rich off an unethical procedure? Or is he simply trying to help people live happier lives?
  5. Is Clem and Joel's continued attraction to one another evidence that the procedure didn't work? Or could there be a greater explanation for their oblivious reuniting?
  6. Is it morally okay to erase someone's memory? If memory manipulation were to become a reality, what restrictions do you think should be placed on it?
  7. What are the ethical implications behind Mary's decision to send Lacuna patients their forgotten information? Is she saving them from making the same mistakes again, or is she simply reminding them of things that would be better left forgotten?