Ethan Frome Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He had always wanted to be an engineer, and to live in towns, where there were lectures and big libraries and "fellows doing things." (4.7)

Ethan's educational and social goals are explicit, and the lack of means to attain them seems to color every moment of his being. Next time you think school is a drag, try thinking of Ethan's tragic situation.

Quote #8

Zeena laughed. It was on odd unfamiliar sound-he did not remember ever having heard her laugh before. "You didn't suppose I was going to keep two girls, did you? No wonder you were scared at the expense!" (7.54)

This is definitely a learning experience for Ethan. He realizes that Zeena is several steps ahead of him, that she see how much Mattie means to him, and that she means to put a stop to the whole things, as soon as possible. It's also amazing that Ethan can't remember her laughing before.