The Fall of the House of Usher Resources

Movie or TV Productions

1928 Film

A black and white silent film.

1949 Version

A surprisingly large cast for a story with three characters…

1960 Film

The most popular version

1982 Film

This one was made-for-TV

1988 Version

Because they figured, hey, it’s been a few years since anyone has made another film out of “Usher.”

2002, The Fall of the Louse of Usher

A “gothic-comedy-musical-horror.” No joke.


The Screen’s Foremost Delineator of the Draculean!

Trailer for the 1960 movie

The opening of the silent film, from 1929

Unfortunately made un-silent by the editor’s added music


Download a FREE mp3 of the story read aloud!
A perfect bedtime story…


Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe

Poe’s Grave

Appropriately Gothic


Edgar Allan Poe on the NYTimes
They’ve got so much stuff on Poe, they devote a whole topic page to the man.


A PBS biography of Edgar Allan Poe

Short and sweet.

The Poe Museum Website

Live music during “Unhappy hours…”