Fallen Angels Visions of Vietnam Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The village stunk. You could smell it as you got near. There were huts laid out about fifteen meters from each other. Some were fairly large. There were people in the village walking around, some were building a pen of some kind. Like the guys had told us, they were either very young or very old. (4.78)

The first Vietnamese village Perry visits is a bit of a shock to him. First, theres's the stink. No getting used to that. Then there's the fact that all the men of fighting age are away at war. It's not exactly painting a picture of harmonious village life.

Quote #2

"All their men is either in the VIETCONG army or the ARVNs. The ARVNs is the South Vietnamese army, and they suppose to be on our side. The VIETCONG is the enemy. This is like the Civil War," Simpson said. "Sometimes one brother go to the VIETCONG and the other brother go to the ARVN. After a while the brother who fighting with the VIETCONG either gonna get killed or want to leave and join the ARVN." (4.79)

The American Civil War is a pretty good comparison, though it's also a sad one. It shows Perry that the war isn't just tough on the out-of-towners; when the Vietnamese soldiers fight each other, they're sometimes fighting against their own family.

Quote #3

That's how we got around, following the hills and streams mostly. That was how we got around, following the hills and streams and paddies. Sometimes there would be a plantation that we would use as a reference, or a field of rice paddies. (9.20)

A few decades ago if you mentioned Vietnam people would immediately think war. Today, your first thought just might be slurping pho noodles. Rice (which pho is made out of) is a big deal in Vietnam: it's the world's second largest exporter of rice. So it makes sense that rice paddies are all over this book. Head over to Images to see what they look like. And then head to a pho restaurant to get your slurp on.