A Farewell to Arms Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Wine is a grand thing. It makes you forget all the bad." (23.175)

This is a slightly ironic statement considering that A Farewell to Arms is a memory of bad things that happened to Frederic.

Quote #8

"I have a bottle apiece to take in the cars," Aymo said. (27.115)

Another example of drinking on the job. Maybe this is why Frederic likes Aymo so much.

Quote #9

"They’ve got to give me something. Oh please, doctor, give me enough to do some good!" (41.174)

This is the only time we see drugs in the novel. Catherine’s intense pain is palpable and turns the tension level up high for both Frederic and the reader.