The Fault in Our Stars Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I did not ask what constituted a long time. I'd made that mistake before. (8.12)

Hazel manages to be brave even when doctors are openly talking in front of her about how little time she has left on this earth. That's brutal.

Quote #5

The way Hazel sees it, dying makes you less afraid of other things, because hey, what do you have to lose?

The way Hazel sees it, dying makes you less afraid of other things, because hey, what do you have to lose?

Quote #6

We walked in silence, Augustus a half step in front of me. I was too scared to ask if I had reason to be scared. (13.20)

Just because she's used to the whole cancer drill doesn't mean that Hazel doesn't have moments of weakness. We're pretty sure she knows what's coming in this scene.