Men and Masculinity Quotes in Fight Club

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #1

Bob has tits because his testosterone ration is too high. Raise the testosterone level too much, your body ups the estrogen to seek a balance. (2.14)

Bob is an interesting mix of masculine and feminine. He's taken on this more feminine appearance by becoming too macho. It's like when an old arcade machine's score gets so high, it rolls over to zero. Not cool—we were so in the lead.

Quote #2

Huevos, Bob said. Gonads. Nuts. Jewels. Testes. Balls. In Mexico, where you buy your steroids, they call them "eggs." (2.65)

Why do we have so many words for male genitalia? More importantly, why do they all get listed here?

Quote #3

This is better than real life. (2.68)

Bodybuilding creates a kind of artificial reality, where a man is judged based on his own physical accomplishments in beefing up his masculinity as far as it can go. Kind of like fight club, when you think about it.