Religion Quotes in Fight Club

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #1

Where would Jesus be if no one had written the gospels? (1.41)

If you read enough good literature—which we know you will—you'll see that a lot of people ask this question: where would great figures be if no one had written about them? Is it possible that Tyler is a Jesus figure for a new generation? (Check out his "Character Analysis" for more on this.)

Quote #2

I was squeezed in the dark between Bob's new sweating tits that hang enormous, the way we think of God's as big. (2.1)

We're not sure how many people sit around thinking of the size of God's breasts, but this is definitely an interesting image. Bob, with his bosomy bear hug, is a nurturing figure, and equating Bob with God (same number of letters!) makes God appear to be nurturing, too. And able to rock the Victoria's Secret fashion show.

Quote #3

In another picture, people calm as Hindu cows reach up from their seats toward oxygen masks sprung out of the ceiling. (3.17)

Fight Club might be a sneakily religious book, but it doesn't mean it's reverent. Here, our narrator mocks Zen calmness in the face of danger.