The First Part Last Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Then I think—I've got K-Boy and J.L. I mean not like before. But I still got them. It'll never be like before, but I still got 'em. (25.28)

Finally, Bobby realizes that change might be inevitable, but endings aren't—even though his friendships have changed, they still exist. And it's not a bad thing that Bobby is spending less time with his friends and more time with Feather; he's maturing and growing, and that's all good.

Quote #11

I can tell you how it is to feel as brand new as my daughter even though I don't know what comes next in this place called Heaven. (31.10)

Bobby finally decides to proactively change and moves to Heaven, Ohio. Yes, he's afraid, but the fear is nothing compared to his belief that life will be better for both Feather and him.