The First Part Last Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then it's the first time I see Nia really mad. It's like she wants to throw me across the room.

"So this isn't about what you really want to do. This is all about what your mom thinks you ought to do." (8.11-12)

Bobby wants to go to the obstetrician's exam with Nia, and his desire to be involved in the baby's pregnancy seems honest, though it may be his mother's idea. Is it fair of Nia to get mad at Bobby for doing something that his mom suggests? Why or why not?

Quote #5

Never talked to so many adults in my whole life. It was getting right down to my last nerve. (13.13)

In the guidance counselor's office, Bobby refers to himself separately from the other adults. Even though he may have matured in many ways as a father, he still considers himself a kid. And this belief that he's just a kid might hinder his progress on the path to adulthood.

Quote #6

Even if I'm feeling old when this stuff happens I just change her diaper, put my food down and hold her when she cries, and tell the woman on the train that she's mine. (19.11)

It doesn't take Bobby all that long to own his decisions. When he's with Feather, he doesn't hide behind assumptions that other people make. As much as he may not want to, he tells the truth. Now that's a pretty big indicator of maturity.