The First Part Last Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She didn't want to hear he was being safe. She just wanted him not to do it. Didn't want to ever know that he thought about sex, had sex, or hung out with people who might be having sex too. (10.18)

K-Boy's parents approach sex differently than Bobby's parents. Bobby's mom and dad have always warned him to have safe sex, but K-Boy's mom doesn't want to hear about any of it. Which is the better parenting style? Why?

Quote #5

They swam a lot of moats and ate many feasts. And mostly they've done it together, 'cause a long time ago in the kingdom they became blood brothers, and that's what blood brothers do. (16.37)

Bobby tells the story of a perfect day, when he, K-Boy, J. L., and Nia spend the afternoon together. How is the love Bobby has for his friends different from his love for Feather? And is the bond of friendship the same as the bond of family? Why or why not?

Quote #6

Even if I'm feeling old when this stuff happens I just change her diaper, put my food down and hold her when she cries, and tell the woman on the train that she's mine.

Afterward I always kiss her, my baby, and look into her clear eyes that know everything about me, and want me to be her daddy anyway. (19.12-13)

Bobby feels old as a young father—old and worn down—but he never neglects his daughter. The duty and love he feels for her cause him to step up, even when it's hard, and even when he doesn't want to. Being a family isn't always easy, but it's easier when he knows that Feather accepts him for who he is.