The Flies Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used the translation by S. Gilbert found in No Exit and Three Other Plays, published by Vintage Books in 1989.

Quote #7

This is too much – I'll shut that foolish wench's tongue. [Stretches out his right arm.] Poseidon, carabou, carabou, roola. [The big stone which blocked the entrance to the cavern rumbles across the stage and crashes against the temple steps. Electra stops dancing.] (2.1.91)

Notice that Electra stops dancing of her own accord. She interprets the stone as an impassable barrier in her attempt to free the citizens of Argos.

Quote #8

It is not our fault, we are innocent. That woman came and tempted us with her lying tongue. To the river with her! Drown the witch. (2.1.94)

The citizens of Argos retreat into bad faith by refusing to take personal responsibility.

Quote #9

No hatred, but no love either. […] Who am I, and what have I to surrender? I'm a mere shadow of a man; of all of the ghosts haunting this town today, none is ghostlier than I. (2.1.142)

Orestes is less-than-human because, he has yet to exercise his freedom by making a choice.