Flowers for Algernon Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #1

Now I know what they mean when they say "to pull a Charlie Gordon." I'm ashamed. (9.42)

If you need proof of what a stand-up guy Charlie is, take a lookie right here. Why would Charlie be ashamed for the poor actions of others?

Quote #2

His whimper becomes a soft crying as suddenly he can control no longer, and he sobs and covers his face with his hands as he dirties himself. (10.75)

As a terrified kid, Charlie has a physical reaction to being made to feel guilty. Of course, this perpetuates the cycle of guilt—his mom yells at him for pooping his pants, and he feels even worse.

Quote #3

I can tell you, you'll be sorry you stuck your nose in. I always stuck up for you. I should have my head examined. (11.96)

Gimpy gives it to Charlie straight, blaming Charlie for threatening to turn him in. Do you think Charlie is getting revenge on Gimpy for treating him poorly?