Flowers for Algernon Progress Report 10 Summary

  • Charlie's makin' the moolah. He gets a raise at the bakery after inventing some fancy machinery to speed things up, but everyone seems to be avoiding him.
  • That's right, another flashback is headed our way: Gimpy is trying to teach Charlie how to make rolls, but he just can't figure it out. You've come a long way, Charlie.
  • Congratulations, Charlie, your life is no longer like the Truman Show. Nemur and Strauss give the okay for Charlie to keep some of his progress reports secret, but he's got to let them decide what ultimately gets published.
  • Uh-oh—trouble in paradise. Charlie overhears Strauss and Nemur arguing about whether to publish their findings at a big-shot conference in Chicago. Strauss thinks it's just too soon, since Charlie's still changing.
  • Charlie decides to ask Miss Kinnian—er, Alice—out to a movie to celebrate. We're on first-name basis now.
  • Before he can take the plunge, he chats up some college students about Shakespeare, politics, and all kinds of hoity-toity things. Getting too big for your britches, Charlie?
  • You guessed it, there's a flashback for that: little Charlie hears his mom screaming about keeping him in normal school and gets so scared that he poops his pants, earning him a spanking. He finally remembers his parents' names: Matt and Rose.