Fool for Love Lying/Betrayal Quotes

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Quote #10

EDDIE: (quietly to MARTIN, leaning toward him) Did you think that was a story, Martin? Did you think I made that whole thing up?

MARTIN: No, I mean, at the time you were telling it, it seemed real.

EDDIE: But now you're doubting it because she says it's a lie?


EDDIE: She suggests it's a lie to you and all of a sudden you change your mind? Is that it? You go from true to false like that, in a second? (520-524)

Eddie calls out Martin for being so willing to just go along with whatever anyone is telling him his true in the moment. Hey, fair enough—if he's going to make sense out of these conflicting tales, Martin really has to use his own judgment and not just passively accept whatever he's being told that moment.