Forrest Gump Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #4

MRS. GUMP: He might be a bit on the slow side, but my boy Forrest will get the same opportunities as everyone else.

Slow is one thing. Denying Forrest the same opportunities that all of the other kids get to have is quite another—and Mrs. Gump is having none of it. To her, public school is a ticket out. To where? Who knows. But she's not going to send him off into the world without it.

Quote #5

MRS. GUMP: He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires.

Well, if it's a choice between a practical skill like knowing how to retread tires and a degree in comparative religion with a huge student-loan debt, we're really not sure where we'd land. But to be fair, those aren't really the stakes here. Is Forrest going to be doomed to menial labor for the rest of his life, or is he going to get the opportunity to prove what he can—or can't—do?

Quote #6

PRINCIPAL: Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?

MRS. GUMP: He's on vacation.

The principal is a smart man, and he quickly realizes that he can turn this whole situation to his advantage. (Now, that's something you can't learn in school.) What we learn from this is that those hard-and-fast rules he's been moaning on about are really nothing more than arbitrary lines than can be bent, massaged, and outright rewritten.