Forrest Gump Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #4

FORREST: But at nighttime when there was nothing to do and the house was all empty, I'd always think of Jenny. And then, she was there.

Well, gee, isn't this convenient: Jenny shows up at Forrest's house after his mother has died and he's become a millionaire. Fate? Chance? Or just some savvy thinking on Jenny's part? We bet it's nice knowing that somewhere out there is a rich guy who'll always take you back.

Quote #5

JENNY: You don't know what love is.

Talk about a sick burn. What Jenny means here is that she thinks you've got to have a certain IQ before you can recognize love. But, the movie tells us that she's wrong. Love and devotion are basic human emotions, and every human has a right to them, an IQ of 75 or not.

Quote #6

FORREST: Why don't you love me, Jenny?

Ugh, Forrest. Jenny might as well ask why you love her. How could she possibly answer that question? Love is a basic human emotion, and it's as impossible to say why you love someone as it is to say why you're afraid of flying—you just are. (Well, that and because any decent-minded person would recognize that if God had meant for us to fly, we'd have wings.)