Forrest Gump Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Forrest Gump.

Quote #7

FORREST: There's only one thing I could say about the war in Vietnam.

All right! We're finally going to hear Forrest take a stand and say something controversial, and … oh wait. Just as he approaches the mic, some Army dude pulls out all of the electric cables and cuts the sound feed. Looks like this is just one more way that the movie avoids having Forrest say anything that might turn some audience members against him.

Quote #8

BLACK PANTHER LEADER: Don't you know we in a war here?

Jenny takes Forrest to hang out with some of her friends who are in radical political groups like the Black Panthers, and it goes about as well as you'd expect. In comparison to Forrest, the radicals look like big dummies—which is really saying something.

Quote #9

BLACK PANTHER LEADER: We are here to offer protection and help for all those who need our help because we, the Black Panthers, are against the war in Vietnam.

The Black Panther leader who speaks to Forrest lays out the principles of his group as if he's reciting something from a piece of paper. But while the Black Panthers are a significant part of American history, Forrest Gump deflates the high political rhetoric by having Forrest respond to everything they do with bemused innocence.