Identity Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Blomkvist] had come to realize she was a world class hacker, and within an exclusive international community devoted to computer crime at the highest level – and not only to combating it – she was a legend. (1.24)

Blomkvist, crime fighter that he is, obviously admires this aspect of Salander's identity. She, on the other hand, sees nothing special in it and doesn't seem particularly proud of it.

Quote #2

[Salander] had spent five weeks in a clinic outside Genoa getting the implants that formed the structure of her new breasts. (1.53)

Even though Salander might seem highly confident in a fight, on an investigation, or at a keyboard, her body is a constant source of shame to her. The breast implants do seem to help this, but her feelings of low worth go deeper than skin.

Quote #3

Every day [Nils Bjurman] was confronted by the tattoo on his body. Finally he took down the mirror from the bathroom door. (2.16)

After Bjurman rapes Salander, she tattoos his identity as a sadistic rapist on his body. This forces him constantly face the fact that he's the sort of person capable of this kind of terrible action.