Friendship Quotes in The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I'm not going to compete with you. I'm better than you are at what I do. And you are better than I am at what you do." (18.302)

Blomkvist and Figuerola are making friends and becoming lovers at the same time. Here, Blomkvist is explaining that he isn't threatened by her major strengths and skills.

Quote #8

"I promise to keep my distance until, you know…well, maybe." (28.103)

Poor Berger – she wants to do what's best for Blomkvist and encourages him to be with Figuerola. But she's also drawn to him like a magnet and doesn't want to lose him. Can their friendship mixed with romance really work out in the long-run? Will it get in the way with Blomkvist's relationship with Figuerola?

Quote #9

"You won't become a slave just because you have a lawyer. OK, that's enough for the time being. Out you get. I'm dead tired and I want to go home and sleep." (29.171)

Giannini and Salander could be described as friends. They have some rocky communications, but it's likely either would do about anything for the other.