Family Quotes in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph). We used Reg Keeland/a.k.a. Steven T. Murray's English language translation.

Quote #7

The image that was emerging revealed a family that was socially and financially successful, but in all the more ordinary aspects was quite clearly dysfunctional. (9.138)

Blomkvist doesn't know the half of it at this point. Nazis, serial killers, incest. Scary stuff. But this clan also has some good people: Henrik, Cecilia, Anita, Harriet, Alexander… They provide hope and a counterpoint to gruesome siblings.

Quote #8

[Cecilia:] "It's funny. Martin has turned out to be a really fine person. If you had asked me thirty-five years ago, I would have said he was the one the family who needed psychiatric help." (12.169)

Martin has Cecilia completely fooled, too. We wonder if there were signs that Henrik, Cecilia, and Dirch Frode will think of now that they know the truth.

Quote #9

She had wanted to be close to her lost father – was it a period of mourning she needed to get through? (15.174)

Blomkvist is so wrong at this moment. He assumes Harriet and Gottfried had a good relationship. Even knowing the fact that Gottfried dies before Harriet disappears, Blomkvist doesn't make any connections.