The Glass Menagerie Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a big long monologue.

Quote #10

"No, Laura, I can’t. As I was just explaining, I’ve—got strings on me. Laura, I’ve—been going steady! I go out all the time with a girl named Betty. She’s a home-girl like you, and Catholic, and Irish, and in a great many ways we—get along fine. I met her last summer on a moonlight boat trip up the river to Alton, on the Majestic. Well—right away from the start it was—love!"

[Legend: Love!] (7.268, Jim, Scene Seven stage directions).

Although Jim claims to be in love with Betty, his description that they ‘get along fine’ hardly holds a candle to the emotions for Laura that he described.

Quote #11

"Being in love has made a new man of me! The power of love is really pretty tremendous! Love is something that—changes the whole world, Laura!" (7.268, Jim).

Jim is unaware of the detrimental effect of his words on Laura.