Minor Characters

Character Analysis

"Square" Friends from Alice's Old School

  • Lucy Martin has a Christmas party.
  • Debbie, Marie, and Sharon are referred to as Alice's "very best friends" from school, but that's the last we hear about them.
  • Scott Lossee takes Alice on a movie date, which she is pretty meh about.

"Druggie" Friends from Alice's Old School

  • Jill Peters is the cool girl who invites Alice to a yearbook-signing party, which apparently is code for "We're gonna spike your soda with LSD and not even tell you—mwah ha ha ha ha."
  • Bill Thompson acts as Alice's "babysitter" during her first acid trip, and subsequently becomes her boyfriend, at least for a little while.

"Square" Friends from Alice's New School

  • Dick Hill takes Alice on a date to see Christmas lights around town. They have a nice kiss goodnight.
  • Sammy Green is the Jewish boy that Beth's mom sets Alice up with. He's so handsy, though, that Alice is forced to hide in the bathroom until the movie is over. Yuck.
  • George is a potential suitor that Alice pretty much uses as a chauffeur, but he is totally boring so she ditches him.
  • Fawn is Alice's first real friend post-institutionalization, and for once Alice has a girlfriend who doesn't set off warning sirens in our heads. She seems really sweet and genuine, plus she has a pool, which is pretty awesome.
  • Frank is a guy at Fawn's pool party who asks Alice on a date. He seems pretty great, too.

"Druggie" Friends from Alice's New School

  • Lane is Alice and Chris's drug source, until he gets busted by the cops and has to lay low, that is.

San Francisco Peeps

  • Shelia (that's right—it's Shelia, not Sheila) is the owner of the upscale boutique where Chris finally finds work. She seems super glamorous and swanky, until she gets the girls high and lets her skeevy boyfriend abuse and rape them. Some people are just sick.
  • Rod is Shelia's skeevy boyfriend, and an abuser and raper of young girls.
  • Mario Mellani is the owner of the store where Alice works. He's the quintessential jovial Italian man, who likes laughing almost as much as he loves his family, pasta, and talking with his hands. We kind of wish he would've adopted Alice and saved her from the rest of her depressing journey.

Fellow Birds in the Cuckoo's Nest

  • Doctor Miller is one of the first authority figures Alice actually trusts; he is her therapist in the institution and helps her work through some of her addiction issues and make plans for the future.
  • Marj is the day nurse.
  • Babbie is one of the sob stories from the institution. She's young, and yet so very damaged. Her story helps Alice understand that her experiences have been of her own making, and really are not as bad as they could have been. Upon her release, Alice wishes she could have rescued Babbie.
  • Rosie is a girl in group therapy.
  • Carter is the President of Group Therapy. He helps explain how things work in the Institute.
  • Tom is a glue sniffer, and another one of the sob stories Alice starts to collect in preparation for her future as a social worker/therapist.
  • Julie is a fellow addict.
  • Margie Ann sticks in our brains because she epitomizes an addict's thought process. While Alice is talking to her, Margie Ann goes from not wanting to ever leave the institution to proposing running away to get a "mixed bag" in the same breath. Sad.