godless Appearance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You guys are both freaks. Look at you. How much to you weigh? […]

I bet you weigh two hundred and fifty. You're huge." (1.28, 30)

And thus is Henry's assessment of Jason. And yet he goes ahead and punches him without warning about 1.7 seconds later. Interesting choice.

Quote #2

Say you were walking down the street at night and you ran into me and Shin. Here is what you would see: two figures, dark and menacing. One is large-bodied, hulking, and neckless. That would be me. […] I'm the one with fat lips, freckles, and twelve dark hairs growing between my eyebrows. Like I'm half ape. […] Just think of me as the big, fat, pouty one. (1.42-43)

If you had only this to go by, would you say that Jason likes himself?

Quote #3

If you are extremely observant, you will notice that Shin and I are the same height. Most people think I am taller, but I'm not. I'm just bigger. (1.42)

How does Jason know what "most people think"? Do you think maybe Jason just thinks they think this? We're definitely guilty of making those sorts of assumptions.