godless Chapter 14 Summary

  • Jason leads Shin in climbing the cables up the tower leg. Jason doesn't believe Shin can do it, though he doesn't say this—and indeed, at about twenty feet high, Shin freezes up.
  • Jason climbs up to the lower catwalk and heads over to the spiral staircase that descends to about fifteen feet above the ground, lets go, and climbs up the leg behind Shin. He helps Shin slowly move back down the cables to the ground.
  • Shin calls himself useless: "'Some First Keeper I am. The Ten-legged One won't even let me climb him'" (14.40).
  • Jason tells him that they are all going up for Midnight Mass, and he'll help Shin get up then.
  • The next day Magda comp's Jason a Brainblaster, in replacement for the one she spilled. He tells her they are all going to climb the tower Tuesday, and she asks if Henry will be there. "I thought you didn't like Henry," Jason says. "'I just think he's kind of scary […] But interesting'" (14.72-75), is her reply.