The Golden Compass Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You and I could take the universe to pieces and put it together again, Marisa! We could find the source of Dust and stifle it forever!" (23.77)

Lord Asriel is a larger-than-life figure. Here he imagines himself akin to a god – a master of the universe who can control fate.

Quote #11

"We got it wrong, though, Pan. We got it all wrong about Roger. We thought we were helping him.... " She choked, and kissed Roger's still face clumsily, several times. "We got it wrong," she said.

"Next time we'll check everything and ask all the questions we can think of, then. We'll do better next time." (23.109-110)

Though her actions led to Rogers's death, Lyra still believes such tragedies can be prevented. What do you think?