The Graveyard Book Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“There’s rules for those in graveyards, but not for those as was buried in unhallowed ground. Nobody tells me what to do, or where to go.” (4.182)

Liza is an outcast, rejected by the group of dead people buried inside the graveyard. Bod doesn’t care about these differences, and his open-mindedness is rewarded with friendship.

Quote #5

They walked down the hill in a slow procession, all stepping gravely, all in time, filling the road, five abreast. (5.117)

We love this line. It’s the dead walking down the hill to join the living to dance the Macabray. It’s all so very Night of the Living Dead all of a sudden, as we see the live people briefly shocked by this, um, mixed group of people.

Quote #6

Bod had allowed himself no friends among the living. That way, he had realized during his short lived school days, lay only trouble. Still, he had remembered Scarlett, had missed her for years after she went away, had long ago faced the fact that he would never see her again. (7.134)

Bod hasn’t run up against the nicest humans during his little trips out of the graveyard. But his memories of his early friendship with Scarlett help him know that there are some good folks out there too.