The Graveyard Book Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“There’s rules for those in graveyards, but not for those as was buried in unhallowed ground. Nobody tells me what to do, or where to go” (4.182)

The people buried inside the graveyard think they’re better than Liza because they made it into the cemetery, and she didn’t. None of them seem to be able to leave the graveyard, though. Liza’s existence may be lonely, but at least she’s free to travel.

Quote #5

“[…] I  do not know what it is like to dance the Macabre. You must be alive or you must be dead to dance it and I am neither.” (5.50)

Poor Silas. He’s always caught in the middle. We know he’s a vampire, but what does it mean to be neither alive nor dead?

Quote #6

“But there is only one perfectly safe place for your kind and you will not reach it until all of your adventures are over and none of them matter any longer.” (6.442)

Silas is saying that once we die there is no pain and no danger. None of the dead we meet seem to be in any danger, but they do seem to experience pain when Bod leaves.