The Graveyard Book Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Skagh! Thegh! Kavagh! (3.123)

These are the magic words the creepy ghouls use to open the ghoul-gate. In Chapter 7, Bod uses them to open the ghoul gate so he can push the Jacks in there. Is Bod supposed to go through all these things with the ghouls so he could learn information to help in his big battle with the Jacks?

Quote #5

But he was Silas, and Bod was happy to see him, and even happier when Silas gave him a present, a little model of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. (3.267)

Bod is only six years old, but Silas is already fighting the Jacks in San Francisco. Again, it’s not clear whether Silas is aware of the prophecy about Bod defeating the Jacks, or if he’s trying to protect Bod and beat the bad guys himself.

Quote #6

“You had parents. An older sister. They were killed. I believe that you were to have been killed as well, and that you were not was due to chance, and the intervention of the Owenses.” (6.35)

This is Silas talking here. He’s saying that Bod was saved by coincidence. But, if a coincidence is predicted thousands of years ago, is it still a coincidence, or is it fate?