The Graveyard Book Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“Just giving you a helping hand,” [Liza] said. I may be dead, but I’m a dead witch, remember. And we don’t forget.” (4.233)

Remember, Chapter 4 was written before the other chapters in the novel. Liza bragging about her perfect memory in this chapter shows us how important memory and the past has always been to this book. This quote also shows us the beginnings of Liza’s loyalty to Bod. When she says she doesn’t forget, she means she won’t ever forget that he, in 500 years, is the first person to care enough about her to get her a headstone for her grave.

Quote #5

“You had parents. An older sister. They were killed. And I believe you were to have been killed as well […] (6.35)

When Bod is twelve years old, Silas tells him about his past. Bod doesn’t question it because he doesn't remember anything before his graveyard life.  His world is turned upside down when he learns about his past. Do you think there are secrets from your past – things you don’t remember – that would change your life if found out about them?

Quote #6

The first class was History – a subject Bod mostly enjoyed, although he often had to resist the urge to say that it happened like that, at least not according to the people who had been there anyway […] (6.170)

History is all about who tells the story. Each person who experiences an event, or who researches an event, will have some different opinion of it. We need to read about history from the point of view of many people to get a well-rounded view of it. The history you learn in school is a jumping off point for further research, not the end of the story.